Thursday, April 14, 2016

Interview 4 Reflection

1. What is the most important thing I learned from the interview?  

  • The most important thing I learned from this interview was mainly on how to work with the seniors who are more grumpy or have a hard time understanding they are being old. Sarah really just said to be patient and to not let it affect your work, which I found very helpful because at the center the seniors who are a bit harsh to me I tend to treat them differently. than the seniors who are nice to me. 
2.  How will what I learned affect my final lesson?

  • It won't really affect my final lesson since the answers I got a sort of already knew. However it did get me a sort of back up and reassurance that what I'm reading online is what someone who works with seniors actually does or says about seniors. 

( I interviewed a nurse at a nursing home, it was hard to get a doctor again)


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