Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Blog 20- Fourth Interview Questions

1.  Who do you plan to interview?  What is this person's area of expertise?
  • I want to interview a Geriatrician, their area of expertise is being a doctor who has a very high degree. They also take care of older adults so they have a lot experience with them.
2.  Post 20 open-ended questions you want to ask an expert in the field concerning your senior project. Your focus should be finding answers to your EQ.
  1. Why did you chose to be a Geriatrician? 
  2. Do you like your job?
  3. Do you like working with older adults?
  4. What are some difficulties working with older adults?
  5. What are advantages?
  6. Do a lot of senior citizen actually come for checkups?
  7. How important are checkups? 
  8. How often should a senior citizen come for a checkup?
  9. What are things an elder could do to help them remain healthy? 
  10. Do you have a personal experience with some of the seniors?
  11. How do you think you can help a senior be happy?
  12. Should seniors exercise daily?
  13. What kind of exercising so you recommend?
  14. What are common health problems that you see with your patients?
  15. How do you explain to senior when they have a critical health problem?
  16. How do you deal with the mental health of a senior?
  17. What are ways you talk to a senior?
  18. How do you deal with a senior with an attitude?
  19. How can a senior citizen increase the chance of a happy and healthy end of life?
  20. Based on your experience with older adults, what are things that you think could help an elder?

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