1. Who do you plan to interview? What is this person's area of expertise?
- I want to interview a Geriatrician, their area of expertise is being a doctor who has a very high degree. They also take care of older adults so they have a lot experience with them.
2. Post 20 open-ended questions you want to ask an expert in the field concerning your senior project. Your focus should be finding answers to your EQ.
- Why did you chose to be a Geriatrician?
- Do you like your job?
- Do you like working with older adults?
- What are some difficulties working with older adults?
- What are advantages?
- Do a lot of senior citizen actually come for checkups?
- How important are checkups?
- How often should a senior citizen come for a checkup?
- What are things an elder could do to help them remain healthy?
- Do you have a personal experience with some of the seniors?
- How do you think you can help a senior be happy?
- Should seniors exercise daily?
- What kind of exercising so you recommend?
- What are common health problems that you see with your patients?
- How do you explain to senior when they have a critical health problem?
- How do you deal with the mental health of a senior?
- What are ways you talk to a senior?
- How do you deal with a senior with an attitude?
- How can a senior citizen increase the chance of a happy and healthy end of life?
- Based on your experience with older adults, what are things that you think could help an elder?
- How can a senior citizen increase the chances of a happy and healthy end of life?
Answer #3 (Write in a complete sentence like a thesis statement)*
- A senior citizen can increase the chance of a happy and healthy end of life by having a bucket list or doing things they've always wanted to do.
3 details to support the answer
- They can are happy while doing it the things they've always wanted to do.
- It can push a senior to keep living.
- The movie bucket list is a great example!
The research source(s) to support your details and answer
- Graham, Judith. "What Makes Older People Happy." The New York Times. New York Times, 11 Feb. 2014. Web. 17 Sept. 2015.
- talks about what makes a senior happy
- Cochrane, Kira. "Bucket Lists: Are They a Good Idea?" The Guardian. The Guardian, 26 Sept. 2012. Web. 3 Mar. 2016.
- talks about whether or not bucket list are a good idea.
Concluding Sentence
- A bucket list is a great because it can help a senior citizen remain happy and its can also push them to keep living and to keep fighting. Bucket list can be from going to a new place to seeing all their children getting married. The point of a bucket list is to have goals that they want to one day see them come true.